Funny Toy Stroy Memes Funny Toy Story Memes
A list of memes taken from the Toy Story movies.
- To infinity... and beyond! Explanation Buzz's Catchphrase. Initially used to indicate his delusion, then becomes genuinely heroic in both the film(s) and the Defictionalization series Buzz Lightyear of Star Command.
- YOU! ARE! A! TOYYYYY! Explanation Woody attempts to break Buzz's delusion after being pushed well past the brink of tolerance. It doesn't work...
- You are a ______'s plaything!
- ...You are a sad, strange little man. And you have my pity. Farewell!
- "I don't believe that man has ever been to medical school." Explanation Buzz's astute observation while Sid performs a "double bypass brain transplant" on his sister's doll and a toy pterosaur. Generally used in response to bad medical advice.
- "So play NICE." Explanation Woody gives Sid a lesson he will never forget.
- This isn't flying. This is falling with style! Explanation Buzz gives Woody this wonderful Ironic Echo near the end of the first film.
- WHERE IS YOUR HONOR, DIRTBAG? YOU ARE AN ABSOLUTE DISGRACE! Explanation Sarge yells this at Woody in the first film when the toys think Woody deliberately pushed Buzz out the window.
- Move out of the way, children, I've been waiting 11 years to see Toy Story 3. Explanation There was an eleven year gap between Toy Story 2 and 3, thus many fans who first saw the original two movies as children were adults when the third was released.
- X. X everywhere. Explanation A famous, often traced image macro using a screencap of Toy Story 2 where Woody is looking on worriedly and Buzz has his arm around his shoulder and the other spread out. Uses the scene where Buzz talks about "delicious hot 'schmoes'"... out of context.
- In just a few hours you'll be sitting around a campfire with Andy making delicious hot schmoes."
- They're called S'mores, Buzz.
- There seems to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere. Explanation Said when Buzz first comes to life as part of his delusion; often used to describe places or groups people hate, the Internet, the United States, and modern society itself being common targets. Sometimes shared for irony, due to the animation played as he says the line being his eyelids closing at different times, giving him a derpy appearance.
- Nice ascot. Explanation Known for its Parental Bonus and Last-Second Word Swap.
- THERE'S A SNAKE IN MAH BOOT! Explanation One of Woody's pull string catchphrases.
- Watch out for the monkey. Explanation One of Lotso's henchmen in Toy Story 3 is a Cymbal-Banging Monkey who monitors Sunnyside via security cameras, memorable for the Nightmare Fuel caused by its appearance and screech. This line is used to introduce him.
- LOOK, I'M WOODY! HOWDYHOWDYHOWDY! Explanation The scene following the "Strange Things" montage has Woody's hat worn by a rubber shark who says this line in a goofy manner.
- Woody's unusual face
◊ from a Japanese figurine, which has been perceived as being rather creepy to the point it's the page image for Memetic Molester.
- "I am Mrs! Nesbitt! (Insane laughter)." Explanation Following his crash in the first film, Buzz enters a Heroic BSoD and utters this when Woody tries to rescue him from a tea party held by Sid's sister.
- BUZZ LOOK AN ALIEN!! Explanation A famous scene from the first movie where Woody mocks Buzz.
- "BAAH!!" Explanation Woody's laughter after tricking Buzz by itself is very memetic sound effect that's used for just about anything, especially to (as in the original movie) make fun of someone or as a sarcastic reaction to a hilariously unfunny and/or outdated joke.
- "We're not aiming for the truck." Explanation The line from the first movie during the final scene where Woody and Buzz land in Andy's car. Often the target is switched out for something more humorous.
- "Byeeee, Wooooody!!!" Explanation The nightmare sequence from Toy Story 2 has Andy say this as he puts Woody in a trash can with a bunch of hands.
- "I don't wanna play with you any more." Explanation From the same scene, when Andy realises Woody is damaged and drops him to the floor. Became a reaction when something falls out of favor. Gamers in particular have like to use it when a new game in a series is announced.
- "So long, partner." Explanation Woody's final line in Toy Story 3, which is often used as a way to say goodbye to things, both sincerely and ironically.
- "To Infinity And YOUR MOM!" Explanation A line in the Toy Story 4 teaser, which became popular to the fans.
- "I'm trash!" Explanation Forky says this line in the Toy Story 4. It's quickly become very popular for many to consider Forky relatable because of Self-Deprecation.
- "Why am I alive?" Explanation Another Forky line that quickly became memetic, with some fans considering Forky to be very relatable.
- ytp sexer Explanation This vulgar and nonsensical video
, which gained popularity in late July 2018 and is jokingly called "The Citizen Kane of YouTube Poops".
- This
Game Mod for Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, replacing Wolf with Woody of all people. A clip of Woody performing a Shinobi Execution on antagonist Genichiro went viral on Twitter
soon after it was released, racking up over five million views.
- ANDY'S COMING!!!! Explanation A phrase used by the toys when they hear Andy nearby, which makes them drop down and freeze. In real life, whenever someone shouts "Andy's coming!", people (usually dressed as Toy Story characters) will play along and fall to the floor.
- "You uncultured swine!" Explanation Early on, Mr. Potato Head calls Hamm an uncultured swine for not getting his Picasso imitation. "Uncultured swine" is commonly used as a insult to people who don't understand a reference or the context of something.
- Mais c'est de l'art, gros lard! Explanation This is the French translation of that line, and is one of the more quotable lines among the French fandom.
- Years of academy training, wasted! Explanation Buzz says this in the first film while stuck at Sid's house, still in his Nesbitt outfit. It's often used to point out wasted time.
- hmm yes the floor here is made out of floor Explanation An edit of Buzz looking at Andy's bed with a comically long neck while saying the phrase. Used to denote an obvious or tautological statement.
- I can't believe I have to drive all the way to work on a Saturday. All the way to work! Explanation Al says this in Toy Story 2 when he has to go to his toy store (which is across the street from his apartment, mind you) to shoot a commercial.
- "Don't count on it? Aww!" Explanation The scene where Woody uses a Magic 8 ball to see if Andy will take him to Pizza Planet. It became a meme after Freeform placed a banner mocking the cancellation of Shadowhunters during this scene on a Pop Up Video-style airing of the movie.
- "It came! It finally came! The big one!" Explanation Sid says this when receiving the rocket he bought to destroy some toys in the mail. This soundbyte is often used in TikToks of people opening packages.
- The aisle of identical Buzz Lightyears has become used to parody people with like-minded opinions, especially on Reddit.
- Similarly, Combat Carl speaking to Jessie in Toy Story of Terror has become applicable to people struggling with the trials and tribulations of adult life.
Carl: Jessie, listen to me! Remember your training!
Jessie: But I don't have any training!
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